EA Tuesdays @ the HB Allen Centre


Every tuesday during term, 10:30am-10pm

Every Tuesday during term, EA Oxford puts on a full day of events.

You can hang out, speak with, and learn from people in the EA Oxford community, as well as professionals in the broader EA movement.

You can come to as many of the events as you like, or just one. All are welcome!

Sign-ups are required for some programmes. Register your interest here:

‘friendly social space to ask questions’

‘any kind of opinion is welcome and encouraged’

‘friendly and eager to talk’
— how people described Tuesdays in MT

What’s on & when? - Tuesdays Schedule

Coworking at EA Tuesdays - and the rest of the week!

Bored of sitting in the same library, or alone in your bedroom? If you want to get some work done, while also hanging out and making friends in the EA community, come along to coworking!

We’ll do short sessions of focused work, then chat & eat snacks in the breaks. It’s a great way to do your work while also being social, and meeting new people!

Everyone is welcome, no previous attendance at EA Oxford events required.

Coworking space will now be open every weekday during term, from 10:30am-6pm!

Speaker Events

Tuesdays, 6pm, HB Allen Centre

Each week of term at the HB Allen Centre, we will have a talk from a different speaker in the EA community, followed by free pizza.

New people are especially welcome every week, and we recommend these talks to everyone interested in effective altruism.

It’s a great opportunity to hear directly from professionals acting on EA principles, and to ask them your questions!


Full speaker lineup TBD - watch this space and follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date!

Our speakers this term will include:

  • Phil Trammel from the Global Priorities Institute, on ‘patient philanthropy’

  • Gregory Lewis from the Future of Humanity Institute

  • John Halstead from the Forethought Foundation, on climate change

  • Bella Forristal from 80,000 Hours, on ‘Mistakes I’ve made trying to do good’

  • and more!

Seminar Programmes in Hilary

If you want to get more involved with EA Oxford, consider taking part in one of our seminar programmes.

They run over seven weeks, and involve discussion groups about selected topics, socials, and personalised mentoring to help you apply these principles to your life and career.

Who are they for?

The intro seminar programme is for anyone who is new to EA, and happy to commit a couple of hours a week to reading and chatting about the key ideas of the movement.

The in-depth seminar programme and the career planning programme are aimed at people who have spent 30+ hours thinking, reading, or talking about ideas relating to effective altruism.

Apply now for Hilary term!

Effective Altruism Mentorship

Trying to figure out how to make a difference in the world is hard. It's easier when you have someone you can talk things through with.

Our mentorship programme offers an opportunity to talk with a guide about whatever you might find useful in your EA journey.

Read more and apply for mentorship here.

Chat with a Committee Member

Book online, or drop in Tuesday afternoons in HT

No matter if you’re new to EA or if you’ve been engaged for years, we’ve found that having a one-on-one chat is one of the ways we can be most helpful to everyone. That’s because we can talk about whatever is most useful for you!

Here’s a few examples of things people have booked in to chat with us about in the past:

  • Which EA Oxford events would be best for me?

  • How can I have a positive impact with my research?

  • There’s some ideas I’m feeling confused about - it’d be great to talk them through

  • I’m feeling unhelpful guilt about not having a big enough positive impact, and I’d like to talk about it with someone that’s had similar feelings

Every Tuesday from 12pm during term, there will be friendly committee members in the HB Allen Centre cafe for drop-in chats.