Getting involved in EA Oxford

We run events for people that want to learn more about effective altruism, and people that are already familiar with the ideas.

Scroll down to find the right section for you!

We also have a community Slack where we organise informal discussions, and arrange social activities.

Chat with a Community organiser

No matter if you’re new to EA or if you’ve been engaged for years, we’ve found that having a one-on-one chat is one of the ways we can be most helpful to everyone. That’s because we can talk about whatever is most useful for you!

Here’s a few examples of things people have booked in to chat with us about in the past:

  • How can I have a positive impact with my research?

  • There’s some ideas I’m feeling confused about - it’d be great to talk them through

  • Which EA Oxford events would be best for me?

  • I’m feeling unhelpful guilt about not having a big enough positive impact, and I’d like to talk about it with someone that’s had similar feelings.

Intro to EA programme

Our 8 week Intro to EA program introduces you to the fundamental ideas of EA, and helps you to form your own views on important questions that matter to you and your efforts to have an impact. We will explore questions like:

  • What are your values around helping others?

  • How can we prioritise between the world’s most pressing problems?

  • Is it possible to measure the impact of charitable efforts?

  • Should we care about people in the future when trying to do good?

  • What are the most neglected problems in the world?

  • What could these ideas mean for my life and career?

Please apply at the button below by the end of October 10th (Tuesday 1st week)


Already familiar with effective altruism?


In-depth Prioritisation program

The in-depth prioritisation program is for people looking to work through their biggest uncertainties and develop a better sense of what their priorities for the future should be. In this program, you will:

  • Receive 1-1 support helping you structure your thinking and decipher where your uncertainties lie. 

  • Meet regularly with a group of like-minded people in a similar position who can support and inspire you.

  • Be connected to people and resources who can help address your uncertainties and make plans for the future.

The program will be a 3 hours per week commitment, with the opportunity to join other social and further mentorship opportunities as well. If you have any doubts or questions, then please feel free to email us here:


We offer 1-1 support from an organiser of EA Oxford in helping you think about Effective Altruism ideas, or how to apply them to your life and career. We find that this is most useful for people who have already spent some time thinking about effective altruism and how they might want to have an impact. Guides can be useful to people who want:

  • Structure in how they can approach decisions around cause prioritisation or careers that are aiming to have a large impact.

  • Accountability for learning about a certain area relevant to Effective Altruism, or making progress on important decisions.

  • Ideas for where might be best to explore next or what good next steps could be.

  • Connections to professionals in the Effective Altruism community who might be useful to talk to

Keep Up To Date

To hear about our speaker events, discussion groups, and more, we recommend following us on Facebook or signing up to our mailing list!