Career Accelerator (Hilary Term 2024)

The EA Oxford Career Accelerator is a participant-centred programme, designed for those already engaged in Effective Altruism. Our goal is to accelerate the progress of participants towards high-impact careers.

Flexible Commitment: 

The program offers a flexible model of engagement. Participants can tailor their involvement to what they find most beneficial. This includes the option to attend weekly meetings regularly or just drop in for sessions that particularly resonate with them.

Program Structure:

  • Personalised Career Planning: An initial one-on-one discussion to outline your goals and create an action plan;

    Co-working Sessions: Time and space to work collaboratively on your career goals;

    Networking and Mentorship: Connections to professionals working on high-impact causes.

If you have any doubts or questions, then please feel free to email us

Applications close Sunday, 4th February.

If you are new to Effective Altruism ideas, apply to our Introductory program