We’re a group trying to identify the world’s most pressing problems and work out how we can help solve them
If you’re arriving in Oxford and already very familiar with effective altruism, please let us know here.
What will we do in hilary 2025
We want EA Oxford to be accessible as possible so everything is free, including snacks and often free pizza!
Weekly socials open to anyone, including free pizza! Alternating between
Board game nights- often codenames, coo and werewolf, but open to suggestions!
General meetings- short talks by members of the community about their interests, mixed with group discussions
Weekly co-working and office hours: again open to everyone: just turn up, (try not to procrastinate), get on with some work, and ask questions :))
Fellowships and Discussion groups: (Career advice will be offered to all fellows). Deadline: Sunday 26th Jan!
Arete Fellowship (6 week introduction to Effective Altruism)
In-Depth Fellowship
Career Accelerator (co-working, resources, and regular 1-1 support)
Animal Welfare Discussion Group
Red-teaming fellowship
Global Poverty Discussion Group
Existential Risk Online Discussion Group
Our Aim
Our aim is to empower you to use your 80,000 hour career to do a significant amount of good in the world. We do this by helping you learn about the frameworks and ideas that Effective Altruists often use to think about doing good, and providing you the connections and resources to take action on these ideas!
Join the WhatsApp community!
To give you more choice about how many notifications you receive, we have 2 main WhatsApp groups:
One ‘essential’ group shares announcements and info about events (only the committee can post)
Another ‘optional’ group is for informal discussions and the organisation of more informal events (where anyone can post)
… to keep up to date with our research groups, seminar programs, discussion groups, speaker talks and more